
On March 29, 2024, “Burning Obsidian Sun“, the debut album by the Black Metal band OBSIDIAN SUN, formed by Obscura (ASAGRAUM) 🇳🇱 and Avernal Moon (Colombia), was released to the world market. For this reason, we decided to interview the musician Obscura to learn more about her, this new album, her bands, as well as the expectations for the upcoming tour of our continent in October with ASAGRAUM.

First of all, receive a cordial greeting from the entire METAL WORLD UNITED team and thank you for granting us this interview.

1. How did your love for Black Metal and the idea of creating a band of that genre made up of only women (ASAGRAUM) arise in you? Why, not in another style of metal, be it Thrash, Death, or Heavy metal?

O: Black Metal is my favourite type of metal, music and ideology wise. I heard it for the first time as a young teenager and it just resonated strongly with me from the beginning.


2. Now talking about OBSIDIAN SUN, how did this band and the name come about? And how was the approach with Avernal Moon to form this new project?

O: Obsidian Sun was a spontaneous idea that Avernal Moon and I came up with while touring together in USA in 2022. The songs were written and recorded in a few weeks, during and after the tour.

Avernal Moon y Obscura

Escucha AQUI 👈 el más reciente EP de OBSIDIAN SUN.

3. From what we know, back in 2014, you were a live guitarist for the renowned German Black Metal band NARGAROTH, how did you get there?

O: This happened because I wrote Rene Wagner to compliment him on the band and his way of promoting it. He knew I am a guitarist, happened to need one at the time and asked me to be a live musician for him.

4. What was the most pleasant and the worst thing that happened to you during your internship at NARGAROTH?

O: The most pleasant was the Mexico/South America tour, since I really enjoy the culture and climate of these countries, and the fanatic fans. What I experienced as less pleasant is that NARGAROTH puts a lot of rules upon musicians, also outside of the stage performance (sure as a hired musician I don’t mind to follow instructions about stage performance). This went to a point where it made me lose interest in playing for them.

5. What can you tell us about your other band DRAUGUR, which released its only album, “By the Rays of His Golden Light“, in 2016? Do you have plans for a new album?

O: We don’t have plans for a new album and I do not think this band will be active again in the future.

6. At some point did you think that ASAGRAUM would have the success and fame it has up until now and that your own band would take you around the world?

O: Yes, when we released the first demo in 2017 the band became popular very quickly. We had a lot of good live opportunities from the very beginning, so it did not surprise me that the succes has been growing through the years.

7. How was the composition and recording process of these songs like, taking into account that Avernal Moon is from Colombia? Was there any barrier in communication? Did you write all the songs by yourself, or did he have any part in the composition? And was all of this recorded from each of your countries or did you ever share a studio?

O: I wrote all the songs on tour and at home, and a few weeks after the tour met met in Pasto, Colombia to record the drums. The guitars were recorded at my home and the EP was mixed by Scott Eliott, back then Chernobyl Studio’s. There were no communication issues, we both speak English.

8. Speaking of ASAGRAUM, the critically acclaimed 2017 debut album “Potestas Magicum Diaboli” paved the way for the subsequent works: “Dawn of Infinite Fire” (2019) and “Veil of Death, Ruptured” (2023), released under the renowned record label Edged Circle Productions. How did the band secure a signing with this estemed label?

O: The label offered us a good contract for two albums after ‘Potestas‘, they had the best offer among other options so we chose to sign with them.

Obscura y A. Morthaemer

9. What does Obscura like to do in her free time when she’s not writing music or touring with one of her bands?

O: I do a lot of sports, Aerial Silk and other acrobatics related sports. I like to travel, mostly to southern europe, and enjoy sun, beaches and adventurous mountain trips and climbing. I also read and listen to a lot of podcasts about psychology and have a scientifical interest in the relationship between diet, exercise and mental  and physical health.

10. In your opinion, do you think it’s possible for a musician, nowadays, to make a living playing extreme music, through touring, merch sales, and CDs?

O: It is possible but not comfortable, myself I have a small business on the side to be able to afford some luxury.

11. Speaking now about your future tour through our continent in the upcoming month of October with ASAGRAUM, has the band confirmed the touring musicians who will be joining you guys for the live shows?

O: Yes, it will be with A.Morthaemer (baterista y miembro fija de la banda) and with live guitarist Morgane Rake and live bassist A.Rutkowski.

12. How does Obscura prepare for a tour away from home, constantly traveling from one place to another?

O: I do not prepare much, I am quite minimalistic in my packing, wash clothes on the road and like to travel with the least stuff possible.

13. What are your expectations for the upcoming Latin American tour? What do you hope to experience from the Latin American audience? What are your references for this tour, and what can we expect from you guys?

O: Thats a long question.. we do the tour with 2 agencies, Sylphorium/Colombian Shows for South America and Blood Productions for Mexico. We toured with them before and it was very comfortable, well-arranged and the shows were very crowded. We expect this to be the case again. From us you can expect an excellent representation of our black metal, with the blessing of the Devil!

A. Morthaemer y Obscura

14. What is the main force that drives Obscura to write extreme metal music and perform it live? Where do you get your inspiration from?

O: Satanism and not fitting in mainstream society, feelings of enstrangement, and a will to connect to others with the same feelings and ideology, which I can find in the black metal scene mostly.

15. What is the main force that drives Obscura to write extreme metal music and perform it live? Where do you get your inspiration from

O: Thanks  so much for coming to our shows loyally all these years, and we expect you again! Hail Satan!


GOLPEA EN LA RADIO Todos los Martes a las 19 horas de Colombia a través de UNIVERSITARIA FM 88.2